«World Poetry Day» (EPO)

«World Poetry Day» (EPO)

Our students in Primary have devoted several days to reading and even writing some poems as a way to take part in those activities promoted by the Spanish Language Department.

– Our little ones in 1º and 2º have enjoyed some songs and phonetics (tongue-twisters) in which rhyme is the main core of the texts.

-3º has started writing poetry in English with some amazing outcome,such as Rafa´s:


«I play Pokémon Go,

but my level´s so low…»

or  Rocío and Alba´s: 

«Some orange juice

fell on my shoes»


We also watched a poem about a tired and depressed bee that lost its zest…

-4º has done some research about some poets like Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, W.B. Yeats, William Shakespeare´s sonnets…

Their projects can be seen hanging on the school walls and their portraits of such poets are to be watched in detail.

-5º will also deal with some poems during the week as a way to make them realise the importance of being creative.

-6º has dealt with the poem by Alfred L. Tennyson «The Lady of Shalott».

Some groups in A have learnt some bits of the poem ,as well as the song Lorena McKennit sang based on it. Some others have become Medieval «scriveners», imitating those letters in ancient manuscripts.

Some others made some presentation with the paintings about the «Lady of Shalott» that can be seen in some British museums.

Sofía, from 6ºB played the role of the Lady of Shalott while some other kids in 6ºA sang and read the poem in several classes in Primary.

6ºB has developed their creativity when writing some poems in English, such as Nico´s:


«I got a lot of money

but it was stained in honey»


All in all, we felt challenged by poetry during several days, making it possible to start playing with words in another language to let our own inner voices out.



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